Winterize Sprinklers Canton Michigan


 Winterize Sprinklers Canton Michigan

734 238-2256
PO Box 87879

Canton, MI 48187


In Michigan we could have nights below freezing as late as mid April and as early as October 15th. The only for sure thing is you need to Winterize Sprinklers Canton Michigan or “blown out” your sprinkler system if you live in Canton Michigan. We can not tell you a fail safe date, just know anytime you go past the first week of November your system is at a HIGH risk of freezing. We generally start winterizing systems in Canton, Michigan October 1st and go until things are completely frozen, usually the end of the first week in December. Don’t wait until mid October to Winterize Sprinklers Canton Michigan schedule your appointment! Call us at 734 238-2256 or Email in September ensuring a damage free system. Keep in mind that once your system does freeze, damage may have already occurred, thus necessitating additional costs to even correctly blow out your irrigation system to protect it from even further damage over the winter.

Whether you have an automatic or a manual irrigation system it has to be winterized! Just make sure to call an experienced professional. Expect to pay a minimum of $50 from a reputable irrigation contractor in and around Canton Michigan. The $50 you will spend having your system winterized properly is a cheap insurance policy to make sure your system is damage free the following spring. There are tons of lawn care guys and landscapers who claim to know how to winterize your system, don’t do it! Repairs in the spring will cost you a lot more than the $5. – $10. you saved looking for the cheapest blowout. Just because someone is driving around with a $35 winterization sticker on his truck or trailer does not mean he knows what he or she is doing.

We have over 25 years of experience in lawn irrigation systems. We have the knowledge and the experience you need to assure that your system is freeze free and that you won’t face those expensive repairs in the spring simply because you saved a little in the fall.

Free Sprinkler Blowout Canton Michigan for using our 2015 Lawn Fertilizer Services!

  Call 734 238-2256  or Email


